Thursday, November 04, 2010

Things WE all know but you might not know...Part 2

A few things guests should never ask a server and why:

Q: "What is your favorite dish?"
- this question is wrong on so many levels and it is setting up everyone involved for failure. The waiter does not have your taste in food. The waiter may love mushrooms, and you the guest hates them. The main reason this questions should never be asked is ---- WHY IN THE WORLD AS A GROWN HUMAN CAN YOU NOT DECIDE WHAT YOU WANT TO EAT? I feel sorry for the people who have so little self confidence, they cannot even order a dish without reassurance from someone! Poor, sad fool.
INSTEAD: Ask for a dish to be described to you... then you decide if you "like" it or not. - This step could also be eliminated by READING THE DESCRIPTION IN THE MENU, LAZY!
Q: "Do you have __________?"
- Again, most servers do not have a problem tour-guiding you through a menu. But if you have not even opened the menu yet and you are asking if there are burgers served and, there is in fact, a whole page of the menu devoted to burgers/sandwiches, do not be surprised if the waiter is SHOCKED that you have asked this question!
INSTEAD: Open the MENU! This process is give and take, it does take two people to have a successful order. The first is the guest who ORDERS, the second is the waiter who will SERVE it to you... weird how this works, I know.
Q: "Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?"
- Uummmm, last I checked the server is not sitting at the bar or table waiting to be hit on. They are WORKING! They are smiling at you because it is is part of good customer service to do so. This is so insulting on so many levels... although, I will say, there are some waiters/waitresses who use there jobs to meet "the one." These people, however, usually are not focused on YOU, they are more concerned with themselves = not good service.
INSTEAD: Go to the bar - to the single lady/man looking for someone to hit on them and try your luck there.

I think that is all I can write for now, since I can feel my blood pressure rising thinking of all the idiocracy in the world. The most ironic thing is, most people think that servers serve because they are too stupid to do anything else... Maybe this will shine a light on who the stupid one really is.

But, I'm Just a Waitress...What Do I Know?!


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