Sunday, March 28, 2010

Try Ft. Lauderdale Instead

If you can afford to buy shrimp cocktail and a suite and $9 Rum and Cokes... But can only afford to tip 7% of your bill... I suggest Ft. Lauderdale, Florida- almost Miami, but just enough trashy-ness that they might not mind that kind of tip. Just Keepin' it real.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

20 is the new 15

Attention people who eat in restaurants: This just in - 20% tip is the new 15%. NPR reports that the growing accepted "norm" in the business is if you have an excellent server- 23% is an appropriate tip. A good server- 20% tip. An "ok" server 15-20% and unless the server was insulting, mean etc., you should always tip SOMETHING!
NPR did mention "if 20% is the new 15%, where does the top tip stop?
I say, don't be boxed in by your usual way of tipping. If your server makes you meal run smooth- makes you happy or goes above and beyond; TIP them! And if your meal is only $15, but your service was the best part of your meal LET YOUR TIP REFLECT that! Wow someone, make their day! Especially if they've made yours!
But I'm Just a Waitress, What Do I Know?

Friday, March 05, 2010

Think about it before you complain!

Before you complain about the taste of your food; remember there are people who have nothing to eat. Before you complain about not having a beer you like in stock; remember that it's a luxury to have more than one. To chose from (and that your server does not do the ordering!). Before you complain about the temperature of your burger; remember it could be a burger from Jack-N-the-Box in the mid 90's.

But What Do I know... I'm Just A Waitress!

Thursday, March 04, 2010

something a little different....

When did bars stop giving you free drinks when you play the video poker machines? UMMMM HELLO? I put in $20, give me a free Stella!!! Thanks!

Monday, March 01, 2010

Chips as Tips

Chips As Tips

When giving a Chip as a Tip, there are a few rules. Tipping your cocktail server on the casino floor with a chip is totally acceptable- IF the chip is from the casino she is working in!!! Tipping your server in a restaurant that is in a casino with chips is "OK," but not the preferred form of currency. BUT, if this chip is a $1-$5 chip from a casino across town... Don't be lame- fork over some cold hard cash!
But I'm Just a Waitress... What do I Know?