Saturday, November 06, 2010

Love it when Rich people do this!

So, I'm pretty sure that Oprah rules the World. It is also a FACT that she has a huge following of people that think her word is god and that she can do know wrong. I am now going to do something that is equivalent to saying the Pope, or Jesus, or the President is wrong: OPRAH does not care about you, she cares about your money and she cares about her own power...

Oprah recently said that in this economy it is "OK" to tip 10%. I am pretty sure she did not put a disclaimer on this statement, for example: "It is "OK" to tip 10% if you get sub-par service" or "It "OK" if you only saw your server 2xs during the meal - 1. to take the order 2. to secure payment."
Nope, she just sat on her customized, diamond encrusted high horse and made a statement that just gave every cheap-o Oprah following Sheep justification to under pay for services rendered.

I am actually shocked that someone who pretends to care about the less fortunate and gives funding and gifts to the "less fortunate" would fathom that it is right to give someone $3 for serving a party of 4 for an hour!

So, I have tried to come up with a reason for why Oprah would be so careless. Here are some of my theories:
1. She does have a private chef, and I am sure he gets paid salary - so she doesn't have to worry about tipping him.
2. Oprah lives in Oprah-Land where everything she says and does is right because no one would ever tell her that she is wrong.
3. When Oprah does go out to eat, you know that "B" is not going to a chain that you can get a meal for around $10-$15. NO! This lady is eating in restaurants that don't have prices on the menu, the chef is probably making her something off menu especially for her. She is probably rolling with an entourage of people and her bills are in the thousands of dollar range. So, If you get 10% of 2k - $200 tip for one table isn't bad - BUT it still should have been $400! You know Oprah is modifying dishes, sending stuff back if it doesn't "taste the way she wants it to taste" ordering food off the menu for her dogs, etc.
4. Wait staff is probably so nervous to serve her, things might go wrong here and there because, let's face it, that lady is intimidating and would scare the S out of anyone.
So, this is me, trying to give Oprah a break, give her the benefit of the doubt... Now, if she could do the same for all the people out there trying to make a living in the F&B world.
Are you a Server/Bartender, etc? Are you as outraged as I am that the most powerful woman in TV - and one of the richest people on the planet is making you poorer? I AM! Thank God this is her last season, and if you watch her and let her influence you to make bad decisions, shame on you!

BUT, I'm Just a Waitress...What do I know?


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