Monday, February 01, 2010

Just a Question

Say your server graciously gave you a free drink (because the bartender messed up and made 2). Say it's your birthday and your server went out of their way to surprise you with a dessert and made your dinner extra special. Say your waitress found a phone number you asked for and gave you recommendations on great shows to see and even gave you an insider tip on the best deals in town. Say your server refilled your rugrats drink 16 times because your even worse-behaved rugrat kept dumping sugar packets in his brothers drink. Say your server found your credit card/cell phone/purse/wallet/jacket/show tickets you left behind, kept them safe for you and returned them to your absent minded self. Say your server remembered that you like extra lemon, didn't charge you for extra sauces and made sure you had and extra cup of ice for every glass of pinot you sucked down.
THESE ARE "ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY" THINGS THAT SERVERS DO. Our actual job description is to provide you with your meal and the service that it requires to do that. We are to do this politely. We are not required to laugh at your sexist/semi-racist/demeaning jokes. We do not need to be flattered by your attempts at flirting. We are not there for you to bark orders at, be ignored, made to stand at your table waiting for you to finish your story before being acknowledged.
If your server goes above and beyond; WHAT DO YOU TIP???
Because if your answer to this question is between 10-15% tip no matter what... you should really re-think your life philosophy. One day your disservice to your A+ server will come back to haunt you in some way or another.
But I'm Just a Waitress, what do I know?


At February 1, 2010 at 12:09 PM , Blogger Savage T said...

We ALWAYS leave 20% even if the waitress is having a tough day (they do have a life and problems outside of work) If she is really awesome 25% although we have been known to do 30%. I believe in karma and sure don't want to screw my waitress...

At February 2, 2010 at 11:36 AM , Blogger Just a Waitress said...

I also always tip 20% as my min. But I do think the average joe has the right to tip less then that if service is less than perfect... But if it's good service - 15% or less is unexceptable and mean!

At February 2, 2010 at 12:21 PM , Blogger Savage T said...

There has only been ONE time we did not tip. The waitress took our drink orders, did NOT card us, when I ordered another drink she said she would have to see my ID. I had left it at the house and told her so. She would not serve me anymore and totally ignored us the rest of the night. NEVER refilled our glasses and had someone else bring us our check. When she did walk by and we tried to get her attention she totally ignored us. Needless to say I was ticked and still feel a bit guilty about not tipping her....

At February 2, 2010 at 5:17 PM , Blogger Just a Waitress said...

ewwwww - bad server=bad tip for sure!

At November 3, 2010 at 8:16 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

I have a point system I use. I start at 20% and move it up or down accordingly. Water sits empty for more than 5 mins. -2% . Mess up my order -5% not smiling, in a bad mood -2% Dont know your menu -2%. Make me laugh or lift my spirits +5% etc,etc. Tips should be an acronym for To Insure Proper Service.


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