Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Don't hug your waitress...

Unless you are going to tip well! Last night a lady hugged me twice - TWICE! She told me I was great (probably the hug was induced by the extra pitcher of beer I gave the table...) and hugged me two times before leaving. To my dismay, my tip : $13on $93 bill. What goes through people's minds I wonder when they tip this way. A hug is even more demeaning than a verbal tip. This has added more depth to the situation. A hug tip??? Really!?!? Oh well, I guess it could have been worse...

Thursday, February 04, 2010


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

We all look the same

I am always reminded of how little respect is given to the people making your meal happen when a person doesn't even know who their server is. I can see how there would be times when this is not the customer's fault. There are lackadaisical servers who would rather fix their lipstick or chitchat in the back than serve their tables. These are the times where a customer has the right to not know who their server is, what they look like, their name is, etc. Other than these times however, not knowing who your server is really just proving that you don't respect them or think you are way too important to need to know who they are.
I work a few days a week with another blonde. We do wear the same uniform. That is the ONLY thing that we have in common (besides being stellar waitresses). So it always amazes me when people at her tables ask me for their bill, or flag me down to get them another beer. Or even to ask me when their food is coming, etc.
Maybe people are like this when they go out. They figure anyone in a shirt with the restaurant logo on it is there for them. Maybe people think they are the most important person in the place, therefore everyone should be at their beckon call.
So, to see if this is the case, me and the blonde sometimes do the Parent Trap thing. We will deliver the bill to each others table, telling the customers, "Thank you so much, it was a pleasure. Have a great day guys!" To this, people barely glance up and mumble "Thanks" or "Yeah" or give you a half-smile nod. There is never a confused look in their eyes as if to say "Who is this new person giving me my bill?" or "Why is OUR waitress not the one here saying this?"
I have decided that some people do not respect their servers. They are almost always the people who demand the most respect FROM their servers. HYPOCRITES!
So, the next time you go out, make a little effort to at least look at your server when he/she is talking to you. Maybe even go so far as to remember their name when they tell you. You might be surprised at how this raises your level of service and makes your night out to your average restaurant a little above average.
But I'm Just a Waitress, What do I Know?

Monday, February 01, 2010

Oh..... You must think I do this job because I have no other options.

I was a server for a group of 6 men recently. They all ordered drinks and their meals. A few minutes after they ordered a 7th man arrived. I saw him sit when I was across the restaurant. I then got an extra setting and a menu. As I walked up to the table the greet him, the alpha male at the table announced, "We have another guy here and he is going to need a menu." As he was stating the obvious, I presented the man with his menu. Alpha then proceeded with, "We'll need extra silverware, too." Again, I presented the man with the place setting I already had in my hand. The Alpha then said, "Oh my gosh, she brought it already!" As if I had just done the most miraculous thing all on my own. As if I were a baby taking my first step or a med student completing my first assisted surgery.
Then I realized, this guy thinks that I am a dumb blond that can't get any other job, so I serve sexist men for a living.
So after the man exclaimed in amazement that I "brought the silverware," I said (in a ditsy blond voice with a smile) "It's my job (teehee)." This sent the men into a group laugh with exclamations of "she said it's her job" and "Ha Ha Ha." I let them think I was stupid- I do this sometimes for the customers who need to feel like I'm stupid so I can get better tips.
Serving is my profession. I am a professional at it. I do not get excited when I walk into a bank and the teller deposits my money - I do not think "Oh my gosh, she knew exactly what to do with my deposit slip, AMAZING!" I'm sure these guys were office workers or salesmen or something like that. I just wish that one day I could go to where they work and get excited when the phone rings and they know to answer it.
But I'm Just a Waitress, What do I know?

Seriously, this happens EVERY DAY!!!

Just a Question

Say your server graciously gave you a free drink (because the bartender messed up and made 2). Say it's your birthday and your server went out of their way to surprise you with a dessert and made your dinner extra special. Say your waitress found a phone number you asked for and gave you recommendations on great shows to see and even gave you an insider tip on the best deals in town. Say your server refilled your rugrats drink 16 times because your even worse-behaved rugrat kept dumping sugar packets in his brothers drink. Say your server found your credit card/cell phone/purse/wallet/jacket/show tickets you left behind, kept them safe for you and returned them to your absent minded self. Say your server remembered that you like extra lemon, didn't charge you for extra sauces and made sure you had and extra cup of ice for every glass of pinot you sucked down.
THESE ARE "ABOVE AND BEYOND THE CALL OF DUTY" THINGS THAT SERVERS DO. Our actual job description is to provide you with your meal and the service that it requires to do that. We are to do this politely. We are not required to laugh at your sexist/semi-racist/demeaning jokes. We do not need to be flattered by your attempts at flirting. We are not there for you to bark orders at, be ignored, made to stand at your table waiting for you to finish your story before being acknowledged.
If your server goes above and beyond; WHAT DO YOU TIP???
Because if your answer to this question is between 10-15% tip no matter what... you should really re-think your life philosophy. One day your disservice to your A+ server will come back to haunt you in some way or another.
But I'm Just a Waitress, what do I know?